Sunday, August 29, 2010

Government V. the People

Supreme Court Justices 2009

Propostition 8 (or the California Marriage Protection Act) was a ballot proposition and constitutional amendment passed in the November 2008, state elections. The measure added a new provision, Section 7.5 of the Declaration of Rights, to the California Constitution, which provides that "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."-wikipedia

Proposition 8 passed in November 2008 by majority vote. Should the Supreme Court have the right to overturn Californian’s majority vote? Does the potential of this Federal court over ruling lessen the importance of the popular vote?  


  1. I believe that it should be okay to overturn because being in a gay marrige does not hurt anybody. In fact it helps the economy by them bringing money to the government like everyone else, and since they can't have a child they can adopt which will give that child a home and a better living enviroment. But, since overturning the majority vote would change everything America has fought for. My final position on this matter is the proposition 8 should not be over ruled.

  2. Yes it us unfair that they could easily over rule our votes because then there was no point of voting but at the same time I believe that some topics need the Supreme court to step in and decide for the people. Many people vote no against gay marriage with their only reason being "homophobic" which really is unfair to the gay population. Gay marriage does not affect anyone so why should they be punished and not allowed to be happy.The government desicions are not always going to please everyone but their desicions do affect many people in a positive way. Overall, I think the supreme court did take the right action and allowing proposition 8 to pass so the gay popultaion can pursure happiness too.

  3. i have nothing agianst gay people, but why should it be okay now for them to get married but yet many years ago they could not and did not so why does it make them any different from us! and once it was voted by people in a vote it should not be changed because isnt there always that statement "majority rules" and with them changing it, it is like our votes don't really matter so why vote if they can over turn it.

  4. Uh_Mazinglo,

    What influences a citizen to vote? When you turn 18 and can vote, how will you prepare yourself for the ballot?

  5. Be mindful that the Supreme Court has not taken an action...They are reviewing the constitutionality of the proposition.

  6. The surpreme court should not be able to overturn what has already been voted for. I remember in 2008 prop.8 was a huge conflict,everyone who wanted to vote did, and the end result is final. Gay people should not be able to get married. Honestly i think guy guy and girl girl relationships are discusting and not okay. Giving them the right to marry would make it seem normal, and gay relationships are not.

  7. i think gay marriage is a huge issue in the united states. i feel that if two people who are in love want to make it official they should be able to. This law brings up many arguments among californians. it may not be the "normal thing to do" but for gays it is normal, they are humans just like us straight people, i feel they should have the same rights.
