Monday, November 8, 2010

A person's life is at stake!

October 4, 1994 
Gas chamber is ruled cruel and unusual punishment and therefore unconstitutional. Lethal injection is now sole the method of execution.

Does the Death Penalty violate an individuals constitutional rights? Should legislation be passed to get rid of capital punishment in California? 


  1. I believe that human beings are like nature, we can kill but we can also change. It is our natural right to have life, liberty, and pursuit of someone capital punishment would destroy these rights. There should be punishment for those who do the crimes that hurt others but we should also give that person the chance to change. California's capital punishment should be rid of.

  2. There should be capital punishment because I feel it sends a strong message. Perhaps it can be said that the death penalty violates one's natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness however, when someone kills someone, do they not take away someone elses natural rights? The death penalty is necessary for dangerous criminals such as murderers and child molestors. Therefore, there should not be a legislation passed to get rid of capital punishment in California or anywhere else in the country for that matter.

  3. But what if that person has realized what he/she has done wrong and is willing to benifit the society by changing their ways? Instead of having a death penalty can it be fair to make them save lives in substitute for that person's death?

    -The Blogger

  4. The death penalty makes no sense. It is a way for the state to solve it's problems through killing, but is that not the same crime that the person up for the death penalty has committed. It would be the same as if a child were suspended from school for using profanity, and as a punishment, their guardian cursed at them. This parent is only sending their child the message that it is okay to curse, even though that is the exact reason why they are in trouble. Punishing murder with murder only encourages the behavior, as it causes our society to be accepting of killing to solve problems.
    -Samuel Charles Regan

  5. Capital punishment should not be done away with in California. people commite serious crimes such as murder. they should be punished for that by being put to death. They shouldn't live their life in jail or ten years from now parole. Some would say that it is unhumane, how ever it is the goverment who ultimately decides in a trial. even if you tough someone should be put to death because of murder, it is not up to you to decide, it is up to the jurors.

    Kevin Clark

  6. But what if Hitler was still alive and continued to kill millions of people. Say if we captured him, would it be right to keep him alive? Couldn't he continue the killing even though he is detained?

    -The Blogger
