Sunday, January 23, 2011

Types of Economies

Why would a traditional or command economy not work in America?


  1. Because not everyone would follow or believe in the traditional economy. There would be to many traditions to follow. A command economy would not work either because nobody would listen. To what i believe it would only lead to another revolution.This country is to evolved with the idea of free will which makes everyone to stuborn to follow a command economy.

    -Christopher Caldwell

  2. America is a lot of different ethnic cultures, if you stick to one type of tradition it could upset many people, thus a traditional economy would not work in America. A command economy doesn't allow for the freedom that we are used would be a huge uproar.

    Mo said it!

  3. a traditional economy wouldn't suit us because there are too many different customs and traditions in america. a command economy wouldn't work because it has too much government intervention. the people need freedom to conduct business.

    - John Phoung

  4. A traditional economy would never work in American. We were all born in different shoes, and brought to be accordingly. We all have different beliefs and morals, mainly due to our parents. This means that it would be difficult for one to agree with another. Secondly, a command economy would never work because us U.S citizens are spoiled, and could never do what someone says. We are to use to our freedom, and couldn't orders given to us. See you tm Mrs, King! Night:)

    Michael Yamuni
