Tuesday, February 8, 2011


As you know the demand for elastic goods are plenty. Provide us with your top five inelastic goods. YOU CANNOT USE ITEMS IN EARLIER POST. 


  1. 1.) Toilet paper- you can't do the doo without using something to clean the poo.

    2.) water- you cant live without it.

    3.) coal- there is only one of a kind

    4.) electricity- the same as #3

    5.) oxygen- smae as number's 4 and 3 lol

    -Christopher Caldwell

  2. 1. Gasoline: without it people couldn't go anywhere without walking.
    2. schooling: people pay thousands of dollars for school
    3. addictive drugs such a cigarets: people will pay anything to satisfy their addiction.
    4.warmth such as wood: desperate enough people in winter would pay a lot to keep warm and comfortable.
    5. Medicine/Health: people will pay anything to cure themselves or their family. Someone could pay every cent they had if they were told it cost that much to cure their cancer.

    -Julie Ehles

  3. Clothes: People pay money to be comfort

    Food- People pay Hundreds of dollars to feed there children

    Soap- No matter how much it is, still buy it

    Roads- They maybe messed up, but government builds more with our Tax money.

    Hospitals- Insurance won't help for some, but people need to get medicine etc.

  4. (Shelter)-Everyone has to have a place to stay. Even if it might not be the best places to stay like, under a bridge or a homeless shelter. For those who do not have a home to live at.
